I’ve sold millions in the DMs…here’s 7 red flags to spot to avoid soul-sucking clients

I've sold millions in the DMs...here's 7 red flags to spot to avoid soul-sucking clients

They have sold millions in the DMs. In their latest blog post, they share seven red flags to watch out for in order to avoid soul-sucking clients.

I’ve Sold Millions in the DMs…Here’s 7 Red Flags to Spot to Avoid Soul-Sucking Clients


In the digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to connect with potential customers. Many entrepreneurs and marketers have turned to chat and direct messages (DMs) as a means of selling their products or services. However, not every client is a dream to work with. In a recent video by Jacob Caris, a successful online marketer, he sheds light on some red flags that can help identify potentially difficult clients when selling via chat or DMs. With years of experience selling millions of dollars on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, Jacob Caris has also helped his clients achieve similar success. Let’s take a closer look at the seven red flags he has identified and how you can avoid soul-sucking clients.

1. Urgency and Unrealistic Expectations

One of the first red flags to watch out for when selling via chat or DMs is when a client expresses a sense of urgency and expects immediate results. While it’s natural for clients to be eager to see results, unrealistic expectations can lead to dissatisfaction and strain the working relationship. It is crucial to manage their expectations by explaining the time it takes to achieve the desired outcomes and setting realistic goals from the start.

2. Lack of Responsibility

Another red flag to be wary of is when a client refuses to take responsibility for their lack of progress and instead blames external factors. This can be an indication of someone who will not take accountability for their actions and may be prone to making excuses. It is important to work with clients who are willing to own up to their mistakes and actively participate in the process of achieving success.

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3. Poor Communication

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful business relationship. If a client exhibits rude, aggressive, or disrespectful behavior during initial conversations, it should serve as a major red flag. Poor communication can hinder progress, create unnecessary stress, and damage the overall quality of the working relationship. It is advisable to avoid working with clients who do not demonstrate a respectful and professional demeanor.

4. Ownership Mentality

In the video, Jacob Caris warns against working with clients who believe that paying for a service automatically entitles them to ownership over the service provider. This mentality can lead to unrealistic demands and an unhealthy power dynamic. It is essential to establish clear boundaries and expectations from the beginning to ensure a mutually respectful and beneficial working relationship.

5. Politeness Matters

When evaluating potential clients, politeness should be taken into consideration. Working with individuals who are polite, respectful, and appreciative of your services can significantly enhance the overall experience. It is important to remember that a healthy and positive working relationship is built on mutual respect and appreciation.


Selling through chat or DMs can be an effective way to connect with potential clients and drive sales. However, not every client is a good fit for your business. By recognizing and understanding the seven red flags discussed in Jacob Caris’ video, you can avoid soul-sucking clients and focus on nurturing positive and successful working relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I spot potentially difficult clients when selling via chat or DMs?
  2. What are some red flags to watch out for when interacting with clients in chat or DMs?
  3. Why is effective communication important when working with clients through chat or DMs?
  4. How can I establish clear boundaries and expectations with clients who have an ownership mentality?
  5. Why is politeness important when evaluating potential clients for a business partnership?
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