On this episode of WUL, I talk with Kellee Roberts. Kellee is a full time high school teacher who’s also building her digital marketing business on the side. Today she shares how she got started in this industry, what it’s like teaching students who are interested in making a living online, the different ways this business has changed her, and a lot more.
Follow Kellee on Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/buildingyouonline/
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Follow Entrepreneur & Business Owner David Sharpe:
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Before all the success David should have been dead, banished from society and long forgotten about. Nothing about his previous life was glamorous. He was a homeless, high-school dropout who was addicted to drugs and destined for early death. He wasn’t Legendary. He was considered a loser.
He got clean from heroin in 2008, and for 18 months he worked construction with his Dad and slept on his couch. Then suddenly his life took a very weird twist and instead of going on living a meaningless and mediocre life he discovered something that changed everything for him (and will change everything for you, too).
On this channel, he describes the blueprint he used to start a digital marketing business he started from home that went on to do over $200-million in sales…
….and how we went from a homeless, high-school dropout to making every teacher, judge, police officer, and ex-girlfriend who ever wrote him off… Eat Their F*cking Heart Out.
Get your pen out and take notes. Most people who follow Dave don’t look back until they’ve fired their shitty boss and reclaimed their God-given freedom to wake up whenever the hell they want.
Dave has been featured in multiple publications including Entrepreneur and Forbes Magazine and quoted as “an icon in the internet marketing industry.”
He lives in St. Petersburg, FL with his wife and kids.
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[Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Hey what's going on my friends it's Dave Sharp welcome to wake up legendary a Very thankful a very thankful version uh And grateful version of wake up Legendary uh my friends I am Here to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving of course if you if you Celebrate Thanksgiving I mean gosh who Doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving Um no I I would assume that some of you Around the world may not celebrate some Of these Quirky Little American holidays that we Have here in in America but if you do Happy Thanksgiving uh certainly grateful For all of you being here and and Grateful for uh this community Um it's it It breathes life into these lungs every Day baby so this morning we're still Going to be bringing you an amazing show With an amazing guest and uh I'm really excited to talk to her Because she has gone from the classroom Okay the traditional classroom into our Classroom and uh and is now turning Around in finding A new adventure financially Um and also you know hopefully less Stress and more happiness Kelly welcome
To the show hello good morning good Morning good morning I love the spelling Of your name it's very different and it Almost threw me off but Kelly and it's just pronounced in or It's just spelled in this very unique Way correct yeah it's Kelly I get Keely A lot but yeah it's Kelly and I have my Mom to thank for that one She's she did it she did it yes yes they Well uh there's there's there's Definitely worse names uh yeah a few You've got a beautiful name you've just Got a unique spelling Um so welcome to the show and thanks for Joining us today Um let's talk about your journey and you Kind of uh going from a place that I Didn't spend a whole lot of time in Um I you are a what sort of a teacher or Professor or what tell us what you do or What you did I teach High School business Um mostly technology uh but I've been Teaching entrepreneurship too so I teach Things like game design animation web Page design Um programming those types of things and Then I also taught one class that wasn't Technology and that was entrepreneurship And so I have done that for the this is My 16th year of teaching so So what what has made you uh now get Involved in legendary and online
Marketing uh digital marketing what what Brought you know a reasonable seemingly Reasonable okay logical person like Yourself uh intelligent what What Attracted you to to our crazy way of Life So for the last few years my high school Kids my my entrepreneurship class mostly Has been asking me How people make money online how do you Do that Um because they were seeing people Um the high school that I taught at how To kid that uh was has a lot of Subscribers on YouTube and does really Well Um on YouTube and my kids were just like How how do you do that and I looked at Them in class and said I have absolutely No idea like I I don't know I've taught Brick and mortar Um for 10 years I taught brick and Mortar and just thought that was what it Was supposed to be right Um and I'm on my phone and this is going Crazy Um anyway I uh was Basically that um I had I didn't know I didn't know I knew how To I knew how to operate a brick and Mortar business didn't know how to do Anything else with that so I decided I Was gonna start researching it so at the End of 2021 probably about this time of
Year because I was getting ready to go Into where my kids actually build Businesses they build a business plan They come up with with ideas of what Business they want to run Um so I basically went out and started Learning and I did a lot of YouTube Research I watched a lot of YouTube Videos and I just couldn't Couldn't make it happen Um I I had like chunks of of information But nothing actually like connected for Me okay yeah you have to do all these Sales funnels okay yeah you need to Drive traffic okay yeah you have to find A product but how do you how how do you Do that all of it like what what do you Do how and what order and who do I talk To so Um at some point in I want to say it was February it was February of this year I Came across a I was it was an Advertisement I think that I saw on Instagram for a seven dollar course and I was like Seven dollars teach me how to do stuff Online this is what I need right like I Was like I'll put in seven dollars and See what this thing's about so I clicked It Um and I was pretty much sold after day Two Um I was like I can do this and so I I Jumped in and my high school kids we
Talked about it the whole time like I Told him exactly what I was doing what I Was learning how this was happening Um so cool really you were yes okay yeah Oh my God so I I dove in Um I dove in and and invested in the Blueprints and we I talked to my kids About that I said you know this is this Is what my investment's gonna be Um we I told them You know it's a small investment to Start a business Um it's I mean comparatively speaking Because everything if you're going to Run a brick and mortar business you have To have way way more money than that So I was like let's let's do this has Never been on Tick Tock before no idea How to make videos like that so my high School kids helped me with that Um they were sending me trending sounds Like Mrs Roberts you need to do this you Need to do that and so I would get on And we would do that we would look at it Look at during class we would look at Um my I have I'm a stats nerd so I would Keep stats on my growth on Tick Tock and The growth on Instagram and um so we Take a look at that okay what do we need To do to increase that how can we make That better Um so we just it was a daily Conversation in my classroom we started Every every day of class started with
That so yeah that's how it went this is Unbelievable you are so you're the best Teacher I wish I had you Wow Seriously like what a gift and what a Cool way to integrate What you know you're you're your kind of Current career with what you're doing or What you want to do and just kind of Like it supports this whole Prime you Know mission of supporting yourself and And and more for your family I mean it's Wow and what humility to be able for you Know I I'm sure that so many teachers Across the country if a student would Have asked that question they would have Like invalidated them or maybe tried to Make the kid feel stupid like that what I don't know I just can't imagine and I'm sure you can too The list of different responses that Because that's not just in your Classroom in your school all kids are Interested in technology all children Understand that technology is playing a Huge role in our world now and it will Continue to do so and for you to be so Humble to Say I don't know like I need to learn That what was that like for you in in Man I mean because a lot of us think Especially Us big dumb men we think that Humility you know having humility will Make us weak you know I mean
Entrepreneurship having humility and Knowing what your limitations are or Knowing what you know knowing when to Shut up and listen and knowing when to Talk because if you talk when you're Supposed to listen you sound like you Don't know what you're talking about and That us men particularly I I can't speak For anybody else have a hard time with That so can you talk about what that was Like to say I don't know and then like The the internal conversation I'm just Fascinated by that moment when you were Like I don't know but then you made the Decision to kind of like go learn and Explore and and I would assume the kid's Reaction now is quite engaged there or I Would have really interested but that Had to be quite a process for you Yeah I Um I've always been I feel like I've always been the teacher That's I'm not afraid to fail in class Like you know I'll I'll try something New Um I love to do try things that are new And then reflect on that and decide okay What can we do better right but Um I'm just not I'm not afraid to do Those I'm not afraid to go out on a limb And try something new especially if it Benefits my kids so I you know I told Them I have no I have no idea how to do This and so when we started
Um it was pretty funny because I I told Them I'm probably not going to make any Money doing this like I I by the way by The way I mean I I just I don't I just Wanted to tell everybody since we're a Few minutes in and I want to get back to Your feelings and what that was but We're 10 minutes in I mean I you've got This one account that's got 55 Thousand followers Um and and uh And it's pretty amazing I mean I'm Celebrity on but continue you told them Hey I didn't think that I was going to Make any money and you just kind of like Really going into it with low Expectations yeah and I have low Expectations too right yeah I mean I was Really skeptical Um I I just kept calling to be quite Honest What you guys like this is not real I Can't make money like this and then so Then I started having fun making tick Tocks but my kids were bound and Determined they were like we're gonna Make you Tick Tock famous like that's What's gonna happen here you're gonna be Tick Tock famous and we're gonna tell Everybody about it Um and I I actually got on Tick Tock and Used Tick Tock because I didn't want Anyone to know I was doing it right like Just the classroom and my immediate
Family I didn't want anybody else to Know nobody else needs to know this Um so we we started and I just I mean we Just we just went about it and I but I Felt like It needed to be validated because my Kids had been asking me these questions For a couple of years and at some point Um I just had to decide like it's worth It to show them this like it's worth it And quite frankly I thought I was gonna Show them The opposite I thought I was going to Show them that it really doesn't work And the day the first day the first day That I made money like the first my very First commission I came into class and I Like you guys you guys and it was just a Couple dollars but I mean they were just Like no you need money and I was like Yes I did yeah yeah yeah And I hit I mean I hit some milestones In there and I would show my kid like I Would show it to my kids because I graph Everything right so I would show it to My kids and they would just be like nah Ah like no way like that's you know I Think they were blown away by it too Just like They just had no idea and and so because Everybody thought all my kids thought That Tick Tock actually paid you Um you know they thought Creator fund Kind of thing Tick Tock actually pays
You right and I was like if I got paid By The Tick Tock Creator fund I would be Broke for the rest of my life like They're it like it wouldn't that Wouldn't be there the money's not there So you learned where the money is how You make the money instead of just Spinning your wheels on social media That was very important to identify how To actually monetize this content right Yeah We're not making money from the Company's Tick Tock we can we can you Can make money from for example Um a lot of people have make been making Money from YouTube yes yeah millions and Millions of views you can begin to what What you do is you can opt to Simply They they call it or they've changed Their name I'm sure over time but Monetize your channel where you now can Show advertisements or they show Advertisements in the beginning of your Videos so for those of you who you know This is great clarification because for The most part the majority of videos That get posted on the internet Make no money from that company whether It be Facebook Tick Tock whatever in the Large majority so you learned that okay I have to it's about building the Audience and then it's about kind of Chumming the waters getting people to Kind of come and then knowing what to do
Once I got their attention right yeah And I had to we I mean they helped me we Talked through who my target audience Was going to be like we we talked Through it Um who do we want this to be and so I quite frankly I told them I think it Should be me like I I think I should be My target audience because let's be real There are a lot of Educators out there That are not happy with education right Now and we're we we just aren't and Honestly at that point in time Uh I was a little I have a little bit of a chip on my Shoulder from my school district because I just taught in the two toughest years Of my life Yeah and we didn't get a raise they just Said sorry everybody around us every Other school district got a four percent Raise and we got zero nothing and I was Like what what is happening and then 85 Percent of our teachers approved our Contract why why would you do that like This is such crap so I was kind of angry About that too and there are other Teachers that feel exactly the same way That I do and I mean You we work our butts off and we get Paid nothing for nothing for what we do So and I you know I I we ran I ran two Businesses in our high school like we we Ran a coffee shop and we had an on we we
Had a little school store type thing I ran those businesses and made no money From that nothing we didn't even get Paid a stipend for it so Why why am I why why am I still doing This but Um that was part of it and so we a real Dilemma and no T and you know what it's Like it's like nobody can ever Understand or what that's really like to Be in that position and you know I'm I'm Not a teacher so I can't understand what That's like to to but then I can imagine There's almost like a little bit of a Guilt that you feel of sharing that Because you you know all the it's it's It's such a nice thing to say oh oh I Don't do it for the money I do it for The kids but the truth is is that but I Also my family suffering like I'm Suffering over here legitimately I do Still do it for the kids but I I just I'm glad that you're saying what's real For you because Without it Well I don't think that you would have Ever tapped into this motivation that You that you that you tapped into that You're describing right now Well it's Fairly Um that you find your audience it's that It's the right time for your audience And I agree if I wasn't in that position
And things weren't going the way they Were I probably wouldn't have jumped in I probably would have just taught all of This on Theory instead of what I've Actually done but we I mean At that point in time February of last Year the the gas prices were really Really high Um I didn't get a raise we you know so Instead of Making we where we were we were not There anymore so we were our budget was Getting really tight around our home and It was just uncomfortable and then I Ended up having to replace a vehicle and I was like oh I don't how am I going to Make that happen and I didn't want to Take money out of my out of my Investments out of my retire what I'm Going to be using for retirement so I Just looked at my husband and said I Have to find we we I have to find Another way to bring in more income so That had a lot to do with it as well it Was just we were just at a point in our Life where I'm just tired of barely like We just survive and I'm tired of Surviving I don't want to live in Survival mode anymore I want to be able To live my life so You know and and part of part of I think You know the the system whatever just The way of kind of the way of living in In in modern societies is that you know
Survival is the norm Revival is the norm and if you have more You know if you have more you're Striving for more well you're greedy and You're reminded of that by all the People around you who are not striving For more they get a little bit agitated When somebody starts reaching to climb Out of the bucket that's where the crabs In a bucket thing came from no crab Wants to see another crab get out of That bucket so they pull them back down And it actually grabs in a bucket man You know so it's there's an element of Um And you you tapped on it you you said You went on Tick Tock you you know it Was like You wanted this to just be for you you Were going to share it with your Students but you didn't really want the Opinions of everybody else you didn't Really want and and there was probably a Little bit of fear of rejection or Judgment yeah There has to you know that is such a That's an issue for every single person That does this and I wonder if you could Just say more about that where do you Think that came from where are you at Now with it how did you get through it For me what are you getting through it Because I'm still not doing it either so Yeah I'll reframe that question to you
Know can you just say that about that Well the Judgment part for me was I had Done things before you know I had I had Done things before MLM type stuff that That type of thing and Um tried to do the at-home parties and And honestly for the last four years I Worked a part-time job at a sporting Goods store Um and so I was leaving my home And getting paid ten dollars an hour to Do it and then you know so I hopped on This and I thought okay I'll go on Tick Tock no one's even gonna know that I'm There Um I don't have to worry about my Friends going oh she's trying to do Something else Right but you weren't work but there but There was was there any concern at all About anybody finding out that you had That part-time job making ten dollars an Hour or no something that you were Totally comfortable with everybody else Knowing okay I can't say no to that when People would come in the store that I Knew There was a bit of embarrassment there Like they would look at me and be like Why does she need a part-time job why I Mean that's just you know I just always Felt like people were staring at looking At me like why is she here And I had my own reasons for being there
Because I wanted to put more money in my Investment account like I wanted to Actually be able to retire at some point In time so that was I mean that was what A lot of it was and then when I started Posting things online I was like well Nobody's gonna see this is tick tock Tick tock has a billion people on it No One's Gonna See this and then about a Month later teachers in my building were Like oh yeah I follow you on tick tock I'm sorry what you do what right Um so then I realized that there were a Lot of people in our building that Actually do follow me on Tick Tock and Uh that that kind of can I mean I talk a Lot about I don't hate my job I I love Teaching kids I hate everything else That goes with it teaching kids talking To kids educating kids that's what I do I do not like having to go to Professional development I do not like Having to Um write kids up for things I don't all The other stuff that comes with it There's so much red tape involved in Teaching it just it just gets terrible But so I talk about a lot of those Things and at first I was kind of Concerned that people were going to be That weren't they weren't going to take That real well yeah and that I was you Know potentially out against a communist Leader
The Black Ops Chopper is going to come In here and and snatch me up yeah I Thought I was going to end up in the Principal's office yeah am I going to Show up tomorrow and and be fired yeah And and honestly we if my job wanted to Fire me today I would say okay I'm gonna Go pack up my stuff and I'll see you Later like that's how I would be at this Point in time because that's that's the Empowerment that this has given me to Where now if they came in and said you Need to stop posting stuff on Tick Tock I would say see you later because I'm Not going to stop posting stuff on Tick Tock like I you know that's just kind of Where I'm at with it I just feel like Education is In a place where it needs a lot of help And I'm just trying to show kids what They can do to uh better their lives Without having to spend a billion Dollars at College you know if I had my Earpiece just fell out of my ear and They also are already asking for that They want that they know it's you're the Only teacher or possibly the only adult Person in their entire lives who Actually is talking about this huge big Thing That they all are interested and they're All doing already in most of the things That they're doing with the tools are Having it maybe not a positive impact on
Them or as positive as it could I'm not Saying I don't want to demonize social Media and kids using it but the truth is Is that Yep the internet it can do some damage To a child's self-esteem it can right It's it's it's it's a double-edged sword All things that have great power can Have can do great damage And so yeah you know you're you're the Only you may have been the only person In their entire world that showed them How to use this and they're asking for It that's what is mind-blowing to me They're asking they're saying we want to Learn this and they're not telling you You're stupid you you old people don't Know they're saying We what is how can we use this to better Our Lives to get out of the situations That we're in to to to to to to to to Connect with more people I mean kids the The crazy thing about kids is they have None of this negative this these these all these These Years or Decades of kind of the World weighing them down with everybody Else's negativity and opinions their Eager and optimistic you know it is all You got to do with a child is just get Them started and then run with it most Of the time just the basics and Um It it it's just amazing it's always that
Outlier you know that outlier teacher or That that it is it's unfortunate because The masses get the shitty just Run-of-the-mill systematic Education and yeah and occasionally Children get blessed with an outlier Teacher Who's willing to Think and do something else out of the Box yeah that's why I'm in love with This story Um I you know I think I'm blessed in in I I think Things happen when I don't because I'm Not a core teacher because I don't teach English I don't teach math I don't teach Science I don't teach social studies I My Curriculum Is a little bit more flexible I guess I Could say Um because you know when you teach the Core subjects you're required to teach Certain things when we teach electives We have competencies that we have to Meet we want them to know certain things But you I have a lot of freedom and how And what I teach for them to reach those Competencies So I just always try to do new things One because I get bored if I'm teaching The exact same thing all the time but Two I want things that apply to their Everyday life it has to be applicable
Because if it's if they can't see If they can't see the fact that it Benefits them in some way they're not Going to be interested in it they just Aren't Um and and that's it makes my job a lot More fun and it makes being at school a Lot more fun for those kids so I have a Class right now of 30 kids that we are Going over this kind of stuff Um we've talked about affiliate Marketing we've talked about just uh Creating digital products online we've Talked about all kinds of different Things I said you know you don't have to I'm not trying to teach you exactly what I do I will show you how I do what I do But I also want to show you some of the Other things that are out there too and So we we talk a lot about that kind of Stuff and then my kids have realized That regardless if you build your own Products online you still have to Market Them yeah you still have to go out there And find an audience and figure out how To do that and so that's when the light Bulb kind of came on for them and they Were all like whoa okay now we get it Now I understand now I understand Because I showed them I don't know we Were talking about digital planners the Other day and that you know you there's 59 000 people that have bought this one Digital planner that costs 12 or
Something and so they did the math on it We're like what they were just like what But I know I talked to him a lot about Just the fact that I do what I do and The uh I do what I do and I love what I Do but I I love teaching but I also really really Love really love what I've come across You know the affiliate marketing is just Lit a fire in me that has been gone for A while now and so when I get to come Home and work on it That's what I love to do but I also love To I like the fact that I can show People that I work a full-time job I Taught and I coached all last year Um and I was able to do this around my Full-time job Um and be successful at it because I Hear all the time I'm just too busy I'm Too busy I don't have time for that you Do have time you're making excuses you Do have time you just have to prioritize It and for me it was uh I I want to see Change I need to see change so either I Do this or What you know either I do this and make Something of it or what's the point so Yeah oh my gosh what a what a story what What wait hold on Kelly what's your last Name Roberts oh what a story Mrs Robin What a story I mean God just absolutely Just mind-blowing and
I am I'm surprised at how education is Already shifting right in front of our Eyes it's not like something's coming It's already here you know it's it's People are are I mean look at this a Great example and I'm humbled not this This humbles me uh it doesn't make me Feel any other way except we're on the Right path here and we just need to keep Going and even if we only are able to Infiltrate Um you know the school system in the Traditional you know kids Minds through The internet and stuff like that that's Fine if it never ends up getting taught In classrooms like you're doing you know Like God bless you but it's it's crazy Because I you know We were just In ink magazine I think third fastest growing privately Held education company in America and Yeah and it's like there you go you know Um That was never you know to go from To have your your your company Um or what you're doing be recognized as A as a legitimate I mean look at that Bottom category look at that bottom Category it's it's it's 63rd fastest growing edu company you Know what I mean it's it's crazy how How you know I mean just 12 10 12 10 11
12 years ago Um um uh you know I'm just trying to get you know Basically tape my ass back on my body Because it it fell off and I'm trying to Figure out who I am and where I'm going And I'm a high school dropout and all This kind of other stuff And so you know uh it's like I'm just I'm just amazed the the change Is not coming it's already here you know And I think that's what you realized About your kids is that they're already They're already on they're gonna find The information basically whether you Introduce it to them or somebody else Does and it's kind of like drugs or Drinking or sex or any other topic that Kids are eventually going to be exposed To we as the adults this is how we shift Society you know this is how we really In my opinion make a a you know this is How we create the change that we want to See is that we have to start with our Kids we have to start with the Next Generation and we have to talk about the Things that they want to talk about and The things that are relevant to them and I just listed all four or five of them And anytime an adult chooses to avoid it And forces the child to go out and have To learn about it on their own Well the child is now responsible for Not only finding the information but
Also judging people's character whether It's a good source of information or not A child's not equipped to do that so of Course they're gonna Fall into the arms of right and that's Yeah so that's the story of so many kids Who you know whether their father or Mother was completely not present Whether they never had a teacher like You who did something a little out of The box or whether they just had people You know they just never they grew up in A house where they never talked about Anything when a child's left to their Own devices They're lost And and you don't need them where They're at not where we want them to be But where they're at and your kids were Like we want we're interested in this We're interested in online marketing and I it's the beauty is this of this is They they're getting so much value but You've used it you use that situation Not in my opinion not to be egoic and Say well that's not what we're talking About in this class we're talking about What I think is important you in in Doing that in being humble and insane I Also look at my life and say it's not Good enough it launched you you use that As the motivation the fuel to launch Yourself into this new career path and Um it's a great testimony of really kind
Of using your situation as fuel each and Every one of us has some pains some Things that we want to stop or some Things that if we get humble and say I Can do better that's where the humility Piece is so important that in order for Us to really I think have a good launch To have we have to go into it taking Full responsibility we can't go into it As a victim because then when it doesn't Work out we're going to say well why Can't I succeed or or or or Um I didn't get enough support or or you Know somebody didn't do it for me or the Course didn't and it's like well that's Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship is Both about finding good resources but Also about being resourceful and and so You used your situation as that fuel and And kind of the skills that you already Have developed in your life as a teacher And I was just talking about this Morning kicking off decade in a day I Said how many different professions are There man they're doctors there's Lawyers they're teachers there's Plumbers there's Carpenters there's all These different kind of people and I Said before you all start to think that You're brand new and you don't know Anything and you're bound to fail I want you to realize that you have Skills from each one of these jobs and Professions and all these whether it be
Parents or whatever that you you can use And oh by the way what qualities did you Develop In doing those jobs that you that you Got from those jobs and you know what They listed perseverance Consistency the ability to be able to Show up on time the same thing for kids If any kids are listening to this Sports Like going show extracurricular Activities or school work whatever you Can take the skills that you develop Doing that in their transferable over to This and what I explain to people on Getting started with decade and day this Morning is this may be new the equipment You know the but all the skills like You're a secretary at a legal firm your Ability to be able to deal with people And those people skills and just that's A skill now you may not realize that's a Skill and you may downplay that but That's a skill that you develop to I Developed a skill when I was working With my father being in people's homes I Was like an 18 year old kid and to not To actually figure out how to navigate And coexist in somebody's home while we Were doing work that was a skill instead Of being a total Neanderthal in there And not knowing how to handle myself all Those things things are skills that when It comes time that we say okay we want To learn something new
Sure humility is needed we need to say And I'm going to have to learn some Things and I'm going to get humble and I'm going to have to go from teacher to Student for a minute but also not fully Discount yourself to the point to where You just are only this newbie who knows Nothing because you have all these Wonderful skills I'm sure your skills Being a teacher are transferring Wonderfully over into this craft am I Right yeah yeah I you know I am I have the I I'm I have the ability to Make my content conversational I think That that really helps um I am More comfortable doing talking head Videos than I am doing the pointing kind Of thing I do them all but I'm far more Comfortable doing doing the Conversational type of let's talk about This kind of thing Um and I am very comfortable showing the Positive as well as the negative Um I had I have semi high school kids Hop on to my lives so when I get on Tick Tock live I will have high school kids That hop on there so I have to be real Careful sometimes about what I say how I Say some things but they're I mean They're fantastic but I was talking the Other night about how I talk in my classroom about the good And the bad it has to be the UPS guy Just came to my house and my doctor went
Crazy Um it has to be you have to show people The good and the bad because of all You're ever showing them is the good Then we're we're being so fake out on Social media but um I personally in my Classroom I have learned there's one Thing that I learned from teaching it's That if you come in as somebody other Than your authentic self your kids will See right through that and they will not Listen they don't they don't care if if They know that you are coming in not you That you're coming and trying to be Something different yeah I mean they see Right through it at a very simple level What they're saying to themselves is the Person's lying their liar I I think and Maybe not directly out calling you but There's that sense of distrust yes that Begins to be the Foundation of your Relationship because they feel like they Can't connect to you and children want To connect to children are looking to Connect to plug in and they can only Plug into something that they feel they Can trust would you agree with that yeah I do believe we still yearn for that Even as adults Yeah Yeah Well I I also I teach my kids through Stories I tell more stories in my Classroom than anything else because
They learn from it that's when their Ears perk up and they're just like oh She's telling them she's telling a story Let's pay attention And um that has transferred into my Content too I told a lot of stories in My content and sometimes I think I'm Funny and no one else does but you know It's okay because I just don't care like I'm just gonna be me because I can't be Anything else and if I try to go on There and be Um Miss permanent proper and I'm gonna Talk at you instead of with you that Doesn't work it doesn't work in my high School classroom I wouldn't imagine it Would work anywhere else so you know Those are some of the skills I've Learned with my kids is that I have to Be just me and I have to show them that I am a person just like they are and I Discuss with them I their opinions their Opinions and their values matter to me And so I asked them what do you guys Want to learn about what are some of the Things that you're struggling with what Are you know we we stop class pretty Regularly to have life lessons right Like High school kids they don't we I was Telling Joanne before I hopped on today I talked to my kids a lot about you know How do you get an apartment after you Get out of high school how do you do
These things after you get out of high School because we're not teaching that In class anymore we teach we teach Algebra 2 that most of our kids will Never ever use when they leave High School absolutely but we're not teaching Them how to balance a bank account or How to find a high-yield savings account Or how to you know make money work for Them we don't talk about those things so I have to be real and that's what I do In my content too I take you know the Things that I do in class and I talk About them on on the internet too and my Kids will tell you my kids jumped on the Live the other night were like she is Exactly this way in our classroom this Is who she is and and because I don't Know how to be anything different yeah There's great continuity there and and There's more alignment there you know And that's really when we don't have to Constantly turn off and on our work Personalities Um all that are professional corporate You know attitudes and stuff you know That takes the humanity out of uh out of Our out of our out of our Lives it turns Us more robotic and and and the the Reason why that's important in some Aspects of business is because you don't Want to be emotional uh in in in every Decision you know you don't want to to It's every interaction is not about you
Know Um you know you have to be logical you Have to balance logic I I learned that In drug treatment you know when I when It was I over e intellect over emotion You know because yeah so emotional you Know but Um golly it it does though when we go Corporate in we have to you know do all These different acts and and stuff you Know we lose that connection with our Our co-workers our uh and then if we Come online and we do that nowadays uh No nobody can latch on to to us nobody Can connect with us and and when you're Speaking to somebody through a screen There's no other you know you lose the Sense of the smell or the or just the The energy of being in the same room With somebody so what it's even more Important that the emotional senses or The tonality you know the ears that you That you uh use all of those tools to Your advantage to try to connect Invulnerability being vulnerability and When we when we when we say be authentic This is a theme nowadays with a lot of People yeah it wants to be authentic Right but what does that really mean Well it it to me what it means is is That Um It's that that I don't lie And that I don't embellish and then I
Don't omit uh things and that's just What being authentic means it's not About it and and if you want to talk About body language and emotions well Sure my authentic self is a little bit Sillier than my tough guy when I'm in The club and I'm hanging out like a Little bit Cuter and more sensitive and sillier and And and more feminine honestly if you Talk about masculine feminine energy Um but my my my uh But um but it really boils down to the Things that I say and how I say them and Nowadays What truth is what resonates and we were Just alluding to that in the classroom Kids can pick up on that as well I think A lot of us have a difficult time when We're starting online talking about Being new talking about just Acknowledging the obvious things which Take all their power Away by the way When I started online marketing creating Content and so forth I started to I I never told my story never revealed My history with drug addiction or Homelessness or any High School Dropout None of that but but when I did It it offered a little bit more humanity And it offered a little bit more of my Um the fact that I was uh you know Normal relatable cut you know people Could understand because that was what
Their lives were like yep because life Is perfect right but it took all the Power of them away so now I was in an Instant no longer afraid of anybody Finding anything I wrote about me Because I figured out I controlled the Narrative I took the thing that was a Bad thing and figured out how to tell The story in a way that was inspiring And empowering and I think that's also Important that you can control the Narrative throughout your journey of Finding who your authentic self is yeah In being your authentic self and all That what's also important to remember Is is that you can control The Narrative Of your of your message yes in in being What is up being your authentic self to Me mean it means telling the truth and It also means putting Myself out there If it's dominating me and it's making me Afraid that you're going to find out Something about me I gotta deal with That fear so what I choose to do is just Figure out how to put it out there in The open for everybody try try to Control the narrative at least my Narrative of how I view it and then Ultimately people can do what they want With it but I'm no longer afraid that They're gonna find it out about me you Know yeah you know and that that started Those were the big things that were
Important at the beginning of my journey But then eventually I started to care Less and less that people knew that like I lived a norm like a pretty regular Life or I might pick a shirt up off the Ground and just throw it on before I go Live and that I didn't get all prim and Proper and have a shower and get all you Know comb my hair that I'm just right Like that attitude of of that was how I Addressed my imposter syndrome it Allowed me to be more comfortable In in even find an authentic self that I Really didn't even know that I had when I first got started yeah I peeled I just Kept peeling layers kept taking things That were scary or afraid figuring out How to put them out in front of my Audience and deal with them and uh and Not let that weigh me down you know Yeah I Have a very emotional person I don't let People see that side of me very often at All And I probably have cried more times Doing videos on my Tick Tock than most Of my family members have ever seen me Cry like I you know I had one day where I Um had a really good day like monetarily Wise and and that really it really Choked me up because of how thankful I Was for coming across this and um I so I've started to be a little bit
More like I feel like I'm really Vulnerable sometimes when I don't want To be but it just comes out and so That's That's just me but also you know I lost My dad back in June Um and I was trying to figure out how to Do my business and handle that and still Be me uh and there there was a point in Time where I go back and I look at some Of those videos and I'm just like well Because I was really down I was down and I'm sad and I was depressed and it was Hard Um but the amount of people and the Amount of support and the amount of nice Comments that I got from people because I shared that information with them like This is why you're seeing me like this Because I just lost my dad and that was Really important Um and I think people got it and they Understood it and it just I think they're relatable because There's so many people out there that go Through those things and and I you know I could have let that set me back I Could have not done videos I could have I could have just taken a week or two Off and said screw it I'm not gonna do It but that's That just wasn't that's not who I am but Also my dad and I had talked about this Business that I had started while he was
In the hospital And um I will say that this business allowed me To be with my dad at the end of his life Um I spent three weeks with him in a Different city where I was having to Stay in hotels and spend time you know Money on food and doing all those things And this business allowed me to be there With him so I will forever be grateful For that but also the fact that I could Talk to him about it and he was just Like why are you what are you doing on Your phone over there because I would do Tick tocks while I was sitting in the Chair with him and uh he was like what Are you doing and I would explain it to Him you know and he's like tell me about This so I talked to him about it and he Was just like that's awesome because I Mean we you know I have three college Degrees I have three college degrees and I will never ever ever be able to do What what I've done in the world you Know I will never be able to do it in The world of Education what I have done With affiliate marketing I just it will Never happen for me and we so my dad was Really proud of that my dad was like you Have found something that you clearly Love Um that is improving your life and we Had a really good conversation about it Because my dad was a teacher too
Um my dad had a doctorate degree and Still Um Could barely make ends meet you know so Education doesn't always meet education Doesn't always meet the income right so I don't know he was just really proud of That fact and so I kept making videos I Kept making videos and um I think I Missed one day I was talking about this On my live the other night I think I Missed one day of making videos and that Was the day that we had my dad's funeral Um I just couldn't bring myself to do it But you know he he supported it and he Thought it was great but I didn't tell Him for like three months like it was Literally when my dad was in the Hospital dying Um that he found out about what I was Doing because I had kept it from him for So long and he only knew because I was Doing them in his hospital room with Them and he was just like what are you Doing it was funny what an amazing Opportunity what did amazing connection That was made in a in a in a little seed That was planted in you Um because you were already taking Action and I think that the whole Waiting for a lot of people say what Well that's a great story Kelly I Nothing like that will ever happen to me And of course you just shared that your
Father died and all that I mean that's a And I'm sorry I'm sorry that you just Had that great loss but because you were Already taking action and not sitting Around waiting for the miracle to come To you but you were kind of like you Know In order to for things to happen you Know we have to the old thing if nothing Changes nothing changes you are making Changes and because you are taking the Actions and trying and do putting in the Work Um you know it only worked if you work It you were putting in the work it it Provided That you made that memory happen you may Because of what ball you already had Rolling because of the things that you Were already doing You had that powerful connection with Your father about this particular Business about this Venture that you're Doing and you were able to connect and And I'm sure that's always going to be With you oh yeah that's always going to Be with you and my point in reflecting This back is that if you would have just Been sitting on your hands kind of like Maybe dreaming about it or hadn't take Taken any action yet but maybe just Talked about it you wouldn't have had That same powerful experience that You're already doing it you're in the
Room with him he's asking you what and Then block them to there into this Moment where he's proud of you and That's something you can hold on to I Um the the power of just taking the Actions of just being willing to take The risk like it's so refreshing to talk To somebody who's been responsible for Teaching entrepreneurship and so in some Capacities in high school as you as You've done but you're also willing to Take the chances and willing to like all These magical things that you've shared With us are because you know you decided To take the action at first and it's Such a powerful testimony of going Making what you want to happen happen Instead of just like waiting for your Break or like you know like I can't Think of more difficult situations than Being a than having three degrees being You know hardly making ends meet but Having to go in every day and do Something that just you your heart's in It but your wallet is so far away yeah And then and then you and then you're Losing your dad in each of those Situations are are a mess this is what We mean folks when we're talking about Turn your mess into a message both of Those situations are a mess for millions Of people and they were they were a mess For you And because of how you showed up
It you you now have a message from those In that this is one of the best examples Um and gosh we have a great example Every day but this is a great example of How You're you control your narrative and How you can turn your mess into a Message and um thank you just thank you For being willing to share it with us Today salute to you like seriously People great work and I all I want for You is to have the and hope and charge Your life with is like I hope you Create the freedom that you you need and Deserve to continue to make the impact That you are going to clear you're Already making and as you said you never Had the chance to really make the impact That you that you can and you're not mad About that you're motivated about that Yeah yeah about you I think really have a great holiday Season Happy Thanksgiving merry Christmas and all and all the things in Between Kwanzaa if you celebrate nothing At all Um happy holidays thanks for your time And I hope you'll come back and talk to Us again maybe we'll do a follow-up Episode in the beginning of the year and See see how you're doing okay I'd love To thanks for having me I appreciate it All right Kelly we'll talk to you soon Take care thanks bye
All right my friends you can follow Kelly at building you online she's on Tick Tock she's on Instagram and she's On fire my friends and you know I I Didn't know she was on fire when I was Gonna sit down and talk to her this Morning Um it's just amazing that you know each One of us has those hands that can go Grab that wood and that you know all the Things that we need to start a fire Man Start a fire and that's what I I would Say for each one of us let's start a Fire man let's start a fire in our life You know let's start a fire under our Ass and uh get things going you know to Figure out what in your life what is a Mess that you can if you do something Different about it when you get through It you can turn it into a message Get out of here happy holiday Be legendary [Music]