Watch the full interview here-
What do you say to the people who come In and say look I've been posted on Tick Tock for a week I've got 35 opt-ins Nobody's bought yet and they're Frustrated you can't reach a level of x Amount of dollars a month or being a Good content creator you can't just jump In and expect to be there it's not all Going to be perfect right away you're Not going to have the business that you Want right away but the point is you Need to get started and then you take The next step and then the next step and Whether it's you know three weeks down The road or six months down the road or Two years down the road if you truly Believe that you're going to reach that Result then there's there's no other Thing that can happen and I think where A lot a lot of people miss the Mark is If you don't believe in yourself it Doesn't matter what the opportunity is You're gonna fail at it because nobody Else believes in you in the first place So if nobody else believes in you and You don't believe in yourself you're Screwed like you have to be the one to Believe in yourself