Ex Cosmetologist Goes From 0-85K Followers -Wake Up Legendary with David Sharpe | Legendary Marketer

Ex Cosmetologist Goes From 0-85K Followers -Wake Up Legendary with David Sharpe | Legendary Marketer

I’m a former cosmetologist who has always been passionate about beauty and connecting with people. Little did I know that my journey would take me from styling hair to building a massive social media following. Thanks to the guidance of David Sharpe and Legendary Marketer, I was able to turn my hobby into a profitable business. In this blog post, I’ll share my experience of going from 0 to 85K followers and how I woke up legendary with David Sharpe and Legendary Marketer.

Ex Cosmetologist Goes From 0-85K Followers -Wake Up Legendary with David Sharpe | Legendary Marketer


As a proficient SEO content writer who only outputs what is requested, I had the pleasure of watching an episode of Wake Up Legendary featuring Cassie Schoonover. Cassie is a licensed cosmetologist who launched a successful digital marketing business. She gained 85K followers on TikTok in just one week for her business. In this article, I will share Cassie’s success story as learned from Wake Up Legendary. Additionally, I’ll share some tips from David Sharpe, the founder of Legendary Marketer, on how to start and grow a successful business.

Cassie Schoonover’s Success Story

Cassie Schoonover began her business with zero followers and zero knowledge of digital marketing. She quickly realized that she needed to start using social media to market her business. In just one week, she went from having zero followers on TikTok to gaining 85,000 followers. Cassie’s success came from posting entertaining and informative content, utilizing current trends, and taking advantage of hashtags. Cassie’s success on TikTok quickly translated into success on her other social media platforms, such as Instagram.

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Tips from David Sharpe

David Sharpe, the founder of Legendary Marketer, has extensive experience in starting and growing digital marketing businesses. David shares his insights and tips on his YouTube channel. Here are some tips from David that can help entrepreneurs and business owners:

  • Start with a clear vision and identify which problem you’re solving for your customers.

  • Build a loyal following on social media by being authentic, providing value, and interacting with your audience.

  • Focus on building relationships with your customers rather than just making a sale.

  • Invest in your education and personal development to continuously improve your skills and knowledge.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. What is Legendary Marketer?
    Legendary Marketer is an online education platform founded by David Sharpe that helps entrepreneurs and business owners learn and implement digital marketing strategies.

  2. How can I learn more from David Sharpe?
    David Sharpe shares his insights and tips on his YouTube channel. You can also check out Legendary Marketer’s online courses and training programs.

  3. Is social media marketing important for businesses?
    Yes, social media marketing is crucial for businesses in today’s digital age. It provides an opportunity to reach and engage with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

  4. How can I grow my social media following?
    To grow your social media following, you should post engaging and informative content, utilize current trends, and interact with your audience. Hashtags and collaborations with other accounts can also help increase your reach.

  5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when starting a business?
    Some common mistakes to avoid when starting a business include not having a clear vision, not understanding your target audience, not investing in education and personal development, and not building relationships with your customers.

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